![]() September was a pretty fun month for me. I celebrated my birthday, went to my first blog conference, and did some pretty fun stuff with my girls. I've still been pretty busy focusing on my blog and trying to take it to the next level. Someone asked everyone in a Facebook group I'm in where do we see ourselves with our blogs in the next 5 years and to be honest, I'm unsure about myself. I would like to have a staff next year, if possible, so I could focus more on writing and spending more time with my family. But for the time being, I like having freelance writers on hand when I need them. I must say, being a blogger without having hired help will not bring you far in your blogging career. You'll eventually burnout and quit. Just think, why does jobs hire employees? The owner can't do it all on their own. Just food for thought. With me hiring help it's really starting to show in my income I'm earning each month. You just got to be wise what you invest in. There has been times when I invested in something and it turned out to be a bust but it was a learning experience. Now, time for my September total, drum roll please........ 1. Cashcrate- $39.13
2. Private Clients- $275.00 3. Escalate Network- $934.80 4. MaxBounty- $531.00 5. Squidoo- $31.33 6. ROI Rocket- $1,519.85 7. Google Adsense- $126.16 8. Panthera Network- $4658.80 Grand Total- $8116.07 I'm very shocked at making over $8,000!!!!!! Never in a million years would I had thought I would be making this much working for myself! Incredible! God is good! I've noticed last month that Google had another Panda update and my blogs came out winners! I'm ranking for even more keywords, this blog is back ranking on the first page again along with my other blog. I'm way too stoked about this! This could be another reason for my high earnings. I'm officially the authority of my niche! If you don't keep a watch on search engine news you really should be so you know what is going on in the search engine world. A good blog to follow is www.SearchEngineLand.com. I had to say goodbye to Squidoo who has now shut their doors. I used that writer's platform during the beginning of my blogging career and they taught me a lot of what I know today. I hate the fact that they had to shut down due to not fully recovering when the site was penalized by Google over a year ago. Now all my articles I've written on Squidoo has been transferred to Hubpages since Hubpages bought them out. I hate Hubpages due to their strict rules. They banned me once before and I know they'll be locking me out again since they don't like affiliates. But you know what, screw them! I don't need Hubpages and they just got hit by Google's update anyway. Google frowns at article directory type sites now and I don't understand why people still use those kinds of sites since they're old internet tactics now. Having your own blog that you have full control of is all you need. Yes, blogging now takes longer to rank but it's better to work hard with your own blog than putting all your efforts with a writer's platform that may end up shutting their doors too. I've decided last month to not put too much focus on sponsored posts. I want to keep my blog as authentic as possible and having each blog post being sponsored is a turn off. And that's the beauty of affiliate marketing, you can write about anything you love and add your affiliate links within the posts. Also I stopped doing as much product reviews too on my other blog because I want to test products that fits my lifestyle and would be something my readers would benefit having. By making these changes I noticed my pageviews and visitor numbers are going up. This month I'll be focusing on creating a Christmas guide, it'll be my first time creating one. Wish me luck! I hope you all had a great month of earnings in September and cheers to a great month of October! Happy Earnings! -Louida
10/1/2014 02:54:21 am
I am totally blown away by your earnings last month - totally awesome and truly a blessing - keep it up!
Thanks girl and you played a big part of my earnings last month too due to your writer's services.
10/3/2014 06:37:24 am
God is GOOD all the time!!!! Congratulations!
10/3/2014 08:42:15 am
Congrats Lou this is awesome and inspiring! This just shows that no matter what if something is for you its for you! Keep up the great work!
Thanks Dani! With Panthera Network, it is a hard network to join. You must past their qualifications like, traffic, the look of your site, social media following, etc. They want to make sure that the people on their network is of good quality.
Louida this is awesome! I so wish we would have had more time to chat at the Type A Conference. As much as I talk about wine and nail polish I REALLY need to get paid for all the products I endorse. Would love to speak with you when you get a chance since I already belong to those networks...smh! (gotta do better) LOL
Girl you better start charging those companies you are endorsing! I'm starting to do the same. I need to know my worth and stop doing things for free.
11/27/2014 06:19:04 am
7/10/2022 10:17:32 am
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About Me
I'm Louida from Atlanta, Georgia and I'm a mother of two daughters, and a full-time blogger/influencer.
I love helping others learn how to start working from home online free to help supplement their current income. I also blog at Productreviewmom.com Subscribe to newsletter
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