Hey everyone! I hope you're all well! I know it's been a long time since I've last posted here on www.Earningfreemoney.com. I'm writing to let you know that I am still around, just not as active here, but you can find me over at www.Productreviewmom.com, which is my other blog.
Product Review Mom also shares free money-making tips, and I share about the things I love like beauty, travel, cars, fashion, etc. Please join me over there and also sign up for my email list, so you never miss a post from me. Thank you, everyone, for your support with www.Earningfreemoney.com, and I look forward to seeing you at www.Productreviewmom.com. By the way, I will still keep the Work from Home page with the list of companies updated, so make sure to visit it often.
Did you know that you can get paid to test products at home free? I've been a product reviewer for Top Brands for the past 10 years and really enjoy this job! Every month, different companies sends me free stuff in the mail for me to test and give my opinions. After the product test, I get paid! Getting paid to test products is great because you test the products free before you buy it. This has really helped save me money on products I may not like. Also I learn about new products soon to come out in stores. Keep reading to get a free list of Top Product Testing Companies ![]() Hey Yall! Sorry this post is so late! I have been so caught up with re-adjusting my schedule and traveling that I haven't had time to do my end of the year income report. So, how did you do? Did you achieve your income goals for 2015? I told y'all that I wanted to see if it's possible for me to make $100,000 with blogging. Last year I made over $70k and wanted to up my goal. If I didn't make my goal, I was fine with whatever I made, as long as I make enough money to make a living blogging because I was transitioning making blogging my full-time job. Welp folks, I'm happy to say I did it! A matter of fact, I exceeded my goal! Take a look at my totals: ![]() Hey yall! Another month in the books! In August, I felt like I was going 100 miles an hour with all the things I had to do like work, blogging, back to being on a strict school routine, etc. I’m so exhausted but I’m grateful I was able to find time for me even though it was for one day. So, nothing much really going on with me when it comes to blogging, still working on creating seasonal blog posts for the fast approaching holiday season. 4th Quarter is here and getting those holiday posts done now and scheduled will free up my time so I can enjoy the holidays with my family. This is what I did last year and it felt great that I could step away from my blogs. August was my best month ever when it comes to my earnings and I’m very proud of my accomplishments! I would’ve never thought I would be making so much from my blogs, truly incredible! Check out my August totals: ![]() Hey yall! Happy August! I hope you all have been enjoying these hot days of summer. I have, and hate that it’s coming to an end for me due to the girls going back to school August 10th. What happen to when kids went back to school after Labor Day? I think that is not fair and it’s too hot for kids to go back to school so soon, their minds are still in vacation mode, including mines. July was a month of travel and getting prepared for back to school. Last month, I traveled to Memphis for my families’ annual family reunion and flew to Las Vegas for a Beauty Convention. What I haven’t mentioned on my blog post about what happened to me in Vegas is that I slammed one of my fingers with the car door while I was out there, so it has been very hard for me to type and I’ve been having a lot of typing mistakes because of it. Part of my finger nail has turned black and I’m hoping it’ll grow out because it still hurts and it’s ugly to look at. Has this happen to you? How long do I have to expect it to grow out? Again, I had another good month of blog earnings. Nothing really has changed, just staying consistent with it. My focus now on my blog has been back to school in which I’m getting good hits with Google and social networks that is making my income stay afloat. Remember, if you’re a blogger make sure to write evergreen articles (most important to keep traffic coming to your blog consistently) and also seasonal ones. Back to school is seasonal and my traffic for that topic is high and will start calming down by the end of September. Next seasonal topics are Labor Day, Fall, and Halloween; make sure to start focusing on those topics now. July Totals: ![]() Hey yall! Can you believe that we’re in the middle of the year now? How has it been completing your goals for the year so far? As for me I feel that my goals have been getting met and I continue to see growth with my business. I started contacting brands directly (mainly for travel) more, just that now I need to learn how to get these brands as repeating customers instead of a one-time deal. I need to create a media pricing list to go along with my media kit. This will be on my to-do list. Last month was pretty much my “coming out” letting my family and friends know I’m a blogger. I was featured on a very popular website For Harriet and my family and friends seen the article and was very proud of me for what I do. They were very accepting and even started sharing the post on Facebook. Such a proud moment for me! The reason why I don’t speak about what I do to some people because of judgement, I don’t want people to judge me and say blogging is not a career. Also, I don’t want people speaking negatively about my daughters being on my blog. Mr. M and I had a discussion about if we should allow the girls to be on my blog since they wanted to be on it. Since I do not speak about our personal lives or theirs we decided to include them and my girls couldn’t be happier because they are invited to exclusive events, became brand ambassadors, and get cool products to review. Hey, you never know they may one day become bloggers themselves or find a job opportunity with the brands they’ve worked with. June was the best earning month for me! I had a goal this year to make 5 figures in 1 month just to see if it would be possible and guess what, it is! Check out my totals below: June Totals: ![]() Hey yall! How was the month of May for you? May was super busy for me dealing with end of the school year for my girls, had a family reunion vacation in Destin Florida, blogging, and activities with my girls. I pretty much have been drained! Here is something that a lot of you didn't know. Two years ago EarningFreeMoney.com was penalized by Google for unnatural link building. How this happened was I was using a website called MyBlogGuest to find guest posts for this blog but the catch was the guest posts I use from that site I had to do-follow all links. Now this is a big no-no with Google and Google caught on about MyBlogGuest unnatural link building tactics and penalized the site and anyone associated with it. My heart dropped and I didn't know what to do because I had so many guest posts from that site it would take me months to clean it all up. I started cleaning up some and also authors from the guest posts I used contacted me directly to have their links removed. I went into my codes of this blog and added the no-follow html code to all links to help save me the headache. I sent in a reconsideration request to Google through Google webmaster tools and they didn't approve me. Pretty much I given up on this blog for two years and let it sit with the penalty. Fast forward to a few weeks ago, I finally decided to send in another reconsideration request to Google and this time they revoked the penalty! I did no changes for the last two years so I'm glad they decided to lift the penalty anyway. Hopefully this blog will start ranking better again because I've had people who wanted to pay me to include their work from home business on this blog but I didn't feel right taking their money knowing this blog had a penalty. Moral of this story is: NO-FOLLOW PAID and GUEST POST LINKS ALWAYS!!!!! Last month was good to me again. My income has been holding steady for several months now which I'm glad and I pray it continues. Having passive income is so amazing when you don't have to break your neck trying to make money every single month. If you're not doing affiliate marketing you better start now. It takes awhile, maybe even years to make money with affiliate programs but it is all worth it in the end. Here are my May earnings: ![]() Hey yall! I hope you all had a great month in April! April for me was busy dealing with taxes and boy did I owe a lot once again! What had happen was last tax season my accountant printed out estimated tax stubs for me to pay my taxes for 2014 quarters but the thing is the estimates wasn't enough due to my increase income so it made me owe a lot more taxes than I hope for. On top of that, during the same time that taxes were due I had to pay my first quarter taxes for 2015 too, so I was hit with a double whammy! Right now I'm trying to recover and spend a lot less since the money I've been saving took a hit. So if you're looking into owning your own business, that is what you got to look forward to, taxes. I highly recommend doing your taxes quarterly and hiring a accountant as well- remember they are a tax write off! Besides the tax headache, my income for the month of April was pretty good, actually better than I expected. With so much different events going on I figured people would be on my blog less but I will say my blog traffic on Product Review Mom did take a hit but not too bad. Here are my earnings in April: ![]()
Hey Yall! How did March treat you? March was ok for me but I got hit with a dose of reality last month.
During the beginning of March, my employer sat me down and asked me when they relocate in January will I be coming along with them. I let her know that I wouldn’t be due to the location they are moving to which is 30 minutes away but traffic is horrible so it would take me about 2 hours to get to work and back home- no way would I want a commute like that! So, my employer informed me that now would be the best time to start looking for a job and not wait until the last minute and end up with something I do not want. She also wants to write a highly thoughtful recommendation letter for me to whomever I would like to work for (she doesn’t know anything about my blogs). Now, here is how reality hit me. I have been comfortable these past 7 years with my job and always had a set mentality that if “blogging ever stopped working for me at least I have a job to lean on”. Well folks by the end of this year I will be fully self-employed without having a job and this really makes me scared of the unknown. I keep having these “what if” moments about working for myself full time. “What if the money from blogging stop coming in?” “What if Google decides to de-index me?” “What if I decide staying at home is not right for me?” Also, “what about medical insurance, 401K, etc?” So much is going through my mind about this transition and I’m so nervous about this since I have two kids to take care of. Mr. M is fully self-employed so his income can go up and down at times. It has been very reliable lately but at the beginning when he first started his business it wasn’t reliable at all. Good thing his business has grown quite well. For several months now with the blogging money I’ve been earning, I have been paying down my debts and also saving it. By the end of the year I want to have a year or more worth of pay to fall back on. Here are my March totals: ![]() I know I keep saying this with every post but my is the time flying! It's already March and I'm not for sure I'm ready for the time to keep passing by so quickly, it makes me feel like I have to hush to complete my goals. February was a short month but I still did really well. I started applying with ad networks and been getting turned down because they feel my blog Product Review Mom is only product reviews. I wish they would bypass my blog name and look at the content I produce on my blog. I turned my blog into a lifestyle blog because I wanted to be more than just product reviews and be able to discuss a variety of different topics. But like the saying goes, "it's their loss". If only they see how much I make a month with affiliate marketing I'm sure they would reconsider because it shows my blog has value and my readers trust my judgement. I'm currently working on my first sponsored post with Sverve which I'm excited about because I really like the brand I'm working with. Hopefully I'll be able to do more sponsored post through them in the future. What I really want is to cut the middle man out and work with brands directly without ad networks but I know that will involve a lot of hard work on my part like reaching out to brands, showing them that working with me would benefit them, and telling them about my services I offer. So far I haven't created a media rate kit and I know I really should. My weakness is working a paid deal with brands and that has made me shy away from it and stick with affiliate marketing. But I'm a work in progress. Here are my February totals: |
About Me
I'm Louida from Atlanta, Georgia and I'm a mother of two daughters, and a full-time blogger/influencer.
I love helping others learn how to start working from home online free to help supplement their current income. I also blog at Productreviewmom.com Subscribe to newsletter
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