Regular bills like phone service, car insurance and medical insurance can take a substantial chunk out of your monthly paycheck. If you're like most people you're looking for any ways you can to cut costs, and it can sometimes seem overwhelming with all of the fine print included on the various contracts you've got going. But take heart because there are some simple things to try that may help you see substantial savings. Just Ask It's surprising how few customers try this simple thing. Customer Service agents know the ins and outs of their product far better than you do; they also know if there are any ways to help cut you a deal. For instance, if you're a longtime client they might provide a small discount for loyalty or prompt bill paying. They might also reward you a small savings for paying online or by phone, but be sure to double check because while some may offer a discount, other businesses (like certain credit card companies) may actually charge you a fee to pay online. Be Healthy and Safe Medical insurance companies obviously take certain factors into account when setting your premium rate, so if you smoke, are overweight, etc. they will notice such things and charge accordingly. Along those same lines if you are a proven safe driver and keep a low profile regarding traffic infractions and accidents you should find that you're rewarded for those good things as well. And don't forget that having a vehicle with added safety features and anti theft devices should also help you see savings. Are you planning on moving and you've already signed on for various insurance policies? If so choosing a new home in a town or neighborhood with a lower crime rate can also turn out to be a financial advantage for you so speak to your representatives any time you have a major life change. Choose a Higher Deductible This avenue sometimes scares people away when they see an amount of $500, $1,000 or more, because if you do end up in an accident this will be your responsibility up front before any insurance company (medical, home, car, etc.) will start pitching in to assist. However with the amount of money you save each month you could most likely set yourself up a healthy little savings cushion for just such emergencies. Again, talk over the possibilities with the agents at hand to see whether a higher deductible will be a smart move for you or not. Combine Plans/Bundle Do you have several family members with phones? If so see if there's a family plan because that's a terrific way to cut monthly costs. Though be sure to find a plan that suits you all because if your teen goes over minute and texting limits you could be in for a nasty shock the next time your bill comes around. Regarding insurance, if you've got multiple items like a home, cars and a boat that require coverage it would behoove you to see if you can get a better rate for combining all items under one carrier and one coverage plan. Note that by doing so you may have to give up some features to gain but it's definitely worth looking into.
Add to these simple steps the basic smart moves like comparison shopping and asking friends and coworkers on the best deals they've found and you will soon be finding extra money in your bank account each month – all without giving up a thing. Written by Emily Rankin. Photo by Sushina. Don't forget to comparison shop for your best insurance deal.
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I'm Louida from Atlanta, Georgia and I'm a mother of two daughters, and a full-time blogger/influencer.
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