How to do Something You Enjoy for a Living This is surely the way to achieve happiness and when you realise how easy it can be, you will wonder why you ever worked for someone else. The easiest way to make money from something you enjoy is to write about it. Blogging allows you to connect to people who have similar interests and they will read what you have to say about a subject even if you are not the best writer. You can use a spell check to fix most problems so there are hardly any skills required to succeed with a blog. Just an interest in something and the time to write about it a couple of times a week. You can make money by using Google’s AdSense program, which gives writers a cut of the revenue generated by adverts placed on your blog. The best place to get started is Blogger, which is Google’s own blogging platform. When you get the hang of blogging and you have a loyal following, you can use affiliate codes to generate extra money. By writing about something and suggesting a product that you may have used, you can generate and income when people buy because of your recommendation. Amazon is just one online store that allows blog owners to sell their products. Selling Products without Buying Stock There are people who make thousands of dollars, pounds, yen and rupees every day because they sit at home posting free advertisements. If you search for ‘free ads’ online, you will have a thousands of websites that allow you to advertise for free. Using Craigslist as an example, you could post an affiliate link in craigslist under the furniture section for a leather couch and the link you post could be an affiliate link to a shop similar to Amazon. I say similar to Amazon because this is actually against Amazon’s terms and conditions, but there are many affiliate companies that don’t care where their customers comes from. When you take into account that Craigslist has ads for every city in the US, UK and many more countries, you could place and ad in every location that your affiliate link provider will ship to. Post a hundred ads in a morning and then post 100 ads for a microwave or anything you want and just watch the money roll in from all that free advertising. Spend a day a week just posting ads for different cities and products and you will not need to lift a finger for the rest of the week or even month. Use your brain a little and there is a lot of money to be made this way. You will need to use a few different email addresses to test different techniques. Try not to copy and paste the ads because the sites like Craigslist do not like duplicate ads on their pages. Spend some time writing a few variations of your adverts so that you mix things up a little and the reader is more likely to click on your ad. This is important if you have more than one advert for the same product in one section of the website. Play Games and Get Paid This one can be a little hit and miss, but if you are clever, there is plenty of money available online without you spending a penny. By far the easiest game to play to win money is poker. You can learn how to play for free and you never have to spend anything to get in to free games. If you are a member at a number of poker sites, you will receive offers of free entry to tournaments, qualifying tournaments, or the occasional loyalty bonus just for playing free games of poker on the poker site. When you take in to account that some free entry satellite games or qualifying rounds can propel you in to the latter stages of big prize money competitions, it has to be worth a shot. Some people pay thousands of dollars as in entry fees to take part in the latter stages of tournaments and you can take part for free by entering in the very early stages. If you do not fully understand the game of poker, why not learn for free free at
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I'm Louida from Atlanta, Georgia and I'm a mother of two daughters, and a full-time blogger/influencer.
I love helping others learn how to start working from home online free to help supplement their current income. I also blog at Subscribe to newsletter
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