![]() Hey yall! Happy August! I hope you all have been enjoying these hot days of summer. I have, and hate that it’s coming to an end for me due to the girls going back to school August 10th. What happen to when kids went back to school after Labor Day? I think that is not fair and it’s too hot for kids to go back to school so soon, their minds are still in vacation mode, including mines. July was a month of travel and getting prepared for back to school. Last month, I traveled to Memphis for my families’ annual family reunion and flew to Las Vegas for a Beauty Convention. What I haven’t mentioned on my blog post about what happened to me in Vegas is that I slammed one of my fingers with the car door while I was out there, so it has been very hard for me to type and I’ve been having a lot of typing mistakes because of it. Part of my finger nail has turned black and I’m hoping it’ll grow out because it still hurts and it’s ugly to look at. Has this happen to you? How long do I have to expect it to grow out? Again, I had another good month of blog earnings. Nothing really has changed, just staying consistent with it. My focus now on my blog has been back to school in which I’m getting good hits with Google and social networks that is making my income stay afloat. Remember, if you’re a blogger make sure to write evergreen articles (most important to keep traffic coming to your blog consistently) and also seasonal ones. Back to school is seasonal and my traffic for that topic is high and will start calming down by the end of September. Next seasonal topics are Labor Day, Fall, and Halloween; make sure to start focusing on those topics now. July Totals: 1. MaxBounty- $827.60
2. Cashcrate- $22.68 3. ROI Rocket- $2686.10 4. Escalate Network- $513.25 5. McCormick- $10 Amazon Gift Card 6. Google Adsense- $124.47 7. Panthera Network- $6370.44 8. eBook- $3.98 9. Amazon- $12.77 Grand Total- $10,571.29 I can’t believe that I made over $10k again! Hopefully this trend will continue because I’m paying off all my debts and saving a lot of it since my day job ends at the end of the year. Soon I’ll be fully self-employed, I can’t believe it! I’m nervous, but I know it will be the best for me and could really help my business grow. No more of me always having to turn down event invites due to me always being at work. Last month, something has been really bothering, something to where I’m starting to see who has my best interest and who just want to use me and this is one of the reasons why I’m going to be ending my income reports at the end of the year. Due to me exposing my blog income I’m noticing, mainly old friends, I haven’t spoken to in years started talking to me again and wanting to know about how they too can become bloggers. They’re telling me all these sob stories of their financial struggles and wanting me to help by making them bloggers too. What ticks me off is that these so called friends didn’t even bother to ask me how I’m doing, what I’ve been up to besides blogging, how’s the kids! Basically they see I’m doing well and want the piece of the pie too. If they want to get into the business of blogging they could buy my eBook that explains how to make an income from blogging, for goodness sakes the book is only $1.99!! I’m pretty sure they have $2 bucks to spare and help support me, but instead all they care about is free information they can milk out of me. What they don’t understand is I worked hard all these years to get to the point where I’m at today. I too struggled financially but I never looked for a handout, I worked extremely hard to get out of my situation. You know how you see when people win the lottery and then all of a sudden people they haven’t spoken to in years start coming around? Well yeah, that’s what seems to be happening to me and I don’t like it at all. This is the reason why I didn’t really tell my family and friends that I was a blogger. The reason for these income reports is to share that there are ways to make an income from home that is legitimate and I wanted to share my tips how I did it. Also it helped me with my growth on what worked for me and what hasn't. Just so unfortunate that people take advantage. So I’ll be ending my income reports and if you’re one of my loyal readers that would like to know how my income with blogging is doing next year you can contact me. Sorry to rant but I really needed to get that off my chest. I love helping people to achieve their goals, I want everyone to win, but I do not like being used. I hope you all had a good month of earnings and cheers to the month of August! Happy Earnings -Louida
I can understand you not wanting to share your income anymore due to people acting funyy with you. I've loved reading your income statements. They show me that it is possible to make an income from blogging and that it's not an overnight success process.
Thanks so much Sonya and always being supportive. Blogging is a learning process and it does take years to grow it but with outsiders looking in they think blogging is an overnight success which is far from the truth. They may see all the perks from blogging but don't know what is going on behind the scenes like me working late at night writing up posts, going through all my photos and editing if it's necessary, figuring out what topics to write next to keep my content fresh on my blog, pitching brands in hopes they would work with me, etc.
Well my new friend, I totally get it. Although my issues are reversed from the ones you mentioned, I have still struggled with the lack of support. But I have come to terms with it. My blog anniversary was June 1. And it has been a stressful year. I truly believe this is my destiny or I would have given up months ago. I have had days when I cried. Others when I have sat so long at my computer until my shoulders ached and I expected family and friends to support and at least push the share button, but to my surprise, once strangers, have supported me more than family and friends on this journey. I have followed you for a couple of years. At first just reading your stuff and being entertained, but when I decided I had something to say, I guess I chose you as my mentor without wanting to bother you. :) I do get it and I will miss your monthly revenue posts but I will still be a fan. :)
Hey Clearissa! For years I didn't tell my extended family about blogging because I was worried about judgement. When I finally did tell them one of them had the nerve to say, "how do you make money, by scamming people?" That comment right there made me never speak about blogging to anyone except the people living with me. I am fortunate that Mr. M has been supportive with my blogging from the start and always picked me back up when I wanted to quit. I understand how it is hard to not have support from your family but the good thing is you have support from the blogging community because we get you and know what you're going through, we all been there. Chin up friend, and keep blogging. It took me 4 years to finally make a good income from blogging and if I would've given up I wouldn't be where I'm at today. It's hard and you're going to hit some road blocks but at the end you'll be rewarded for all your hard work. Remember, if you need me don't hesitate to contact me.
8/4/2015 04:46:47 pm
First I would like to say your blog is awesome. Second I would like to say I have notice this trend of friends and families that generally aren't up to speed with the notion that they should care about the person and not how they amassed wealth. It hurts that I struggle offering free things to my own warm market ( friends and family) because they think anything you say about the internet is a scam or waste of your time.
Hey Bryan,
rita ilgen
8/4/2015 08:12:50 pm
Would love to test all products ..50 yr olld fly attn with large airline..female
8/13/2015 09:45:36 am
Hey gurl, sorry to hear about the finger...the price of fame - lol I am glad you are still doing your thing and helping others, but there comes a point when support is more important that the money and friends and family should always support.
It was due to the car I was reviewing, there was a piece near the door that was loose and I was checking it out and while I was doing that I accidentally shut the door on my finger. Talk about painful!
7/10/2022 10:07:22 am
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About Me
I'm Louida from Atlanta, Georgia and I'm a mother of two daughters, and a full-time blogger/influencer.
I love helping others learn how to start working from home online free to help supplement their current income. I also blog at Productreviewmom.com Subscribe to newsletter
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