Probably you must have stumbled across affiliate marketing if you have been searching for ways to make money over the internet. The most attracting feature of affiliate marketing is that you do not have to pay even a dime. It’s easy to start, no investment, does not require a product of your own are some reasons why most people are over it. What is Affiliate Marketing? For those who are new to the affiliate world let me explain with few simple sentences. I have a product to be sold but do not have the slightest idea from where interested audiences can be found. Contrary to that, you know exactly how to reach people and market. For your ability to market and sell the product, I will pay a commission of 5% to 70% on every sale. Officially, you will be my affiliate and the process of selling my product is known as affiliate marketing. How to Sell a product?
Generally, most affiliates sell products over their blog. Blog is not a mandatory requirement. If you have a strong list of emails who will be interested in the product then you are good to go. However, a blog will speed things faster. Writer a review (genuine) about the product and place the affiliate link within the content. Buyers who surf the internet looking for genuine reviews or more information about the product will click through the link and purchase the product. This will earn you a commission depending upon the product being promoted. How to Choose a Product? Products should be chosen depending upon your interest. If you are tech savvy, then choose something related to software and hardware components. On the other hand, if you love to promote digital products then ClickBank is the right place. For physical products, Commission Junction (most commonly known as CJ) is best. Sign up at any of these or both and choose the product you wish to promote. Commission Junction has strict rules for taking in affiliates. You need to prove yourself with strong website and great followers. For starters, I suggest ClickBank. For ClickBank products choose the ones that have the highest gravity. Gravity is the measure of products with highest conversion; the greater the gravity the better the conversion. What’s Next? Affiliate Marketing takes time. You need to gain the trust of your readers so that they can purchase your products right away. If you are trying to promote via mail then ensure that the users are interested in the product you are trying to promote. It will take some time to make your first sale. But when you have made your first sale, your joy will know no bounds. Some Tips: 1. If you are starting a blog ensure that it focuses on a niche and not generic. For instance, if you are starting a blog related to health, focus on a specific topic like weight loss rather than writing about health in general. 2. Affiliate marketing is all about building trust and relationship. Be genuine in your promotion and review. Look for your reader’s benefit and you will be benefitted automatically. 3. Affiliate links embedded within the content convert better than ads placed within the sidebar. Therefore, always add affiliate links within the content. Richie Richardson is an Affiliate Marketer. He trades Forex and writes on topics like forex trading system software and best forex signals provider in the world.
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I'm Louida from Atlanta, Georgia and I'm a mother of two daughters, and a full-time blogger/influencer.
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