Most people are aware that money can easily be saved when they buy groceries through the use of coupons. Many are also aware that comparison shopping sites might help them save them significant cash as well. Some are even smart enough to get the lowest prices at thrift stores and consignment shops. Many, however, are unaware of the dollars they can save by obtaining scholarships for their education. This lack of knowledge can be quite costly in terms of the money spent to obtain a four year degree. Instead of ending up with extraordinary balances on credit cards and huge loan payments, those wishing to go to college should make use of the free financial help offered through the following sources: Businesses that Give Back
Companies, large and small, have discovered that sponsoring scholarships is a good practice because it not only generates good public relations coverage, but also it is a great way to encourage workers to go back to school and upgrade their skills. The following companies are just a small number of those that have offered scholarships in the past and will probably continue to do so in the future: Dell, AT&T, Best Buy, Verizon, Exxon-Mobile, Kodak, Toyota, Wal-Mart, Intel, Ford, Pepsi, and Coca-Cola. Many businesses also have programs that will provide tuition reimbursement for students who are pursuing training that are in their field of work and maintain academic excellence. Students should be able to find other opportunities from corporate benefactors by doing an online search of Fortune 500 companies or by asking at their local college financial aids office about smaller businesses in the area that provide funding opportunities to students. Private Donors that Establish Scholarships Every college and university has scholarships that are unique to their school and have been perpetually funded by a private sponsor or organization. These scholarship funds are usually set up to honor an individual or as a memorial to an alumnus of the college. Studies show that private donors have offered over 3 billion dollars a year to students at U.S. colleges during the past decade. Most are based on merit, but others have been established particularly for those who have the greatest need. Some privately funded scholarships are set-aside specifically for students with disabilities or minority students, such as scholarships for hispanic women. Every campus financial aids office will have a list of these private scholarships that are available at its institution, and many list these scholarships online as well. Many students have the intelligence to earn scholarship money through entrance examinations and by performing excellently on the ACT or SAT. Some just need to check on the target scores at the colleges of their choice, and retake these tests to get the appropriate score that will lead to huge financial rewards. Students who are talented writers might also check out the essay competitions that offer huge scholarships as prizes. Some of these may be enough to fund a huge portion of their educational endeavors. Author Bio: Jennifer Lewis writes for a website that has more information on funding for female students, including minority women grants. She thinks it is worth spending some time finding out about scholarship opportunities, as the extra money can make a big difference to life on a student budget.
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