Having enough money as a student may seem like an insurmountable task but if you are creative and willing to do what it takes to earn money, you will find out that it is a piece of cake. There are numerous ideas that you can make use of to pay your bills and maybe even save for a rainy day. Here are a few tips on how to make some extra money while on campus. Used BooksAlways buy used books and when done with them, sell them again either online or back to the school bookstore. Buy in bulk if you can afford it and resell the books on the spot to other students or online and you will get more money than what you paid initially. Collect junk and resellOne man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Look around your living quarters, your parents and grandparents garage and attic for antique or used stuff that they do not want to accumulate anymore. Chances are they might even pay you for getting rid of it. Resell them on eBay or Amazon or start an online store of your own. Be a FloristIf your parents have a garden, ask permission to get flowers and ferns to make beautiful bouquets during Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and any other days when flowers are in demand. You can make quite a lot of money selling flowers. Offer to deliver them as well if you start getting orders. Personal ServicesWash cars, mow lawns, remove snow, trim trees, walk pets, deliver groceries, deliver newspapers and any other services that people do not have time for. This is a very lucrative business that you can start with some trusted friends. More people make work easier and you can cover a lot of ground. RecycleThere is a wealth to be amassed in recycling. Collect all bottles, cans and any other items that will fetch you cash at the recycle store. This is free money, so make use of it. Campus jobsLook for jobs on campus. Many of the colleges employ students in the bookstore, library and cafeteria. The tutoring department is another place which employs students as tutors. Sometimes, the dormitories will hire students as security. Harness your creativityIf you have a creative streak in you, do not hesitate to make use of it to your advantage. Start a website promoting your creativity with pictures and sample orders for sale online. Set up blogsOffer to set up blogs for people who do not know how to create them. Seasonal jobsSeasonal jobs are another source of extra income especially for holiday and gift shopping. Many of the department stores offer seasonal jobs to cope with the onrush of shoppers during holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Labor Day and any other days when a huge turnout is expected. Gift wrappingOffer to wrap gifts at stores for free with a sign that says “tip or donation accepted”. You will be surprised at how generous some customers can be. InternshipsFind companies that offer internships for your field of study. It will also serve as a stepping stone for future employment and you can showcase your talents. Restaurant JobsWorking in restaurants and cafés can earn you a sizable income as tips. Work study programsSome organizations like hospitals offer work study programs where you will be paid full time if your work half-time and sign a contract which binds you to work for them for a certain number of years after your graduate. Assistant to teachersAsk you teachers if you can assist them with any suitable jobs like grading papers or helping them get organized for their classes or making copies and delivering and receiving mail for them. TutoringIf you are good in Math, Science and any other classes that are challenging for other students you can offer tutoring services either in person or online. For Illinois colleges & universities degree programs visit CollegeInfo.com.
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I'm Louida from Atlanta, Georgia and I'm a mother of two daughters, and a full-time blogger/influencer.
I love helping others learn how to start working from home online free to help supplement their current income. I also blog at Productreviewmom.com Subscribe to newsletter
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