Regardless of how you ended up in debt-- whether because of unforeseen expenses or irresponsible overspending -- once there, debt can trigger unsettling emotional responses, especially if your debts are perceived as unmanageable or overwhelming. In addition, if you are in serious debt, you not only have to deal with your own negative feelings, but you may also be dealing with creditors who are making your life miserable with their doggedness and insistence that you meet your financial obligations. Your life with debt may be anything but calm. Many people in debt find themselves constantly worried and restless. Bedtime habits change, and you may be unable to fall asleep because you are thinking about how you are going to pay your bills. This stress can spill over into work and your personal life, preventing you from functioning properly with co-workers, friends and family. Eating habits may also change in unhealthy ways due to worry and anxiety. Sooner or later, this persistent stress likely will lead to more serious physical and psychological ailments.
In some cases, worry can devolve into fear and even panic. You don’t want to answer the phone because it is likely to be a creditor pestering you for more money. You stop opening your mail because it may contain an overdue bill or another late notice. Being in debt can also make you angry -- angry at yourself for getting in over your head, angry at your creditors, angry at the world for … well, just angry. When these negative feelings have built up over time and your debts have become the overriding issue in your life, you run the risk of sinking into depression. Depression is a state of hopelessness with the feeling that things cannot be fixed or changed. Depression can be a crippling disability, preventing people from enjoying any aspects of life. If you are in debt, you are not immune to the unhappiness it can cause. Before things get out of hand and require medical or psychological intervention, make a commitment right now to deal with your financial problems. And if you can’t make the necessary changes yourself, various solutions do exist. There are plenty of knowledgeable professionals who can help you to understand your options going forward. Debt settlement, loan consolidation, debt management, credit counseling – any of these options can help you take control of your debt and put you back on the road to a calmer, saner and more stable life. Bio: Provided by America’s debt help Organization, serving the public with authoritative information on a broad range of topics related to financial well-being.
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I'm Louida from Atlanta, Georgia and I'm a mother of two daughters, and a full-time blogger/influencer.
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