College is ridiculously expensive. Chances are pretty good that you are going to put more money into your education than you will on your next car, or the down payment on your first house. When your classes are getting you down, all that money can feel like a waste. But, that tuition check isn’t just paying for classes and the right to earn a diploma. College campuses are stocked with opportunities and facilities that come free with tuition. Take advantage now, and remind yourself of just how much money you are saving, before you go home to your dinner of cold Ramen noodles. Gym Fees. Even most community colleges have some sort of athletic department. They usually also offer their students access to those athletic facilities. At larger universities that can include a pool, weight rooms, basketball, tennis, and racing courts. They have changing rooms and lockers, and at a large number of universities, renting out the needed supplies (croquet balls, etc.) is free with your student ID. So, before you invest your money in the local gym, take a look at your college facilities, and see for yourself if they won’t do the job for free. Counseling. If there is one thing that psychologists have taught us, it’s that we are all crazy because of our mothers. Sometimes that means that we act a little crazy. Sometimes that means that we are irrevocably damaged. But, all college campuses offer counseling services. I’m not just talking about the academic advisors that everyone sends you to. I mean certified counselors who are there to help you work out real psychological problems. If your parents were crazy enough to set you up for a lifetime spend on a leather couch, take the opportunity to get those first few years free. Free WiFi. It’s not just on campus, either. A lot of college dorms, apartment complexes, and other student based facilities offer WiFi for free or for reduced rates. This means that you can get all the streaming that you dream of without any added cost. As high speed internet is increasingly more necessary for a college education, colleges are working to get the best facilities possible. It’s not just WiFi either, a lot of colleges offer special Netflix, Napster, or iTunes accounts for students that give you a discounted rate. Of course, those are hardly necessary for that education you are paying for, but you may as well take advantage while it’s there. Student Discounts. Now, this isn’t technically from your university, but the same principle applies. You’ve paid for your student ID card, so you may as well get all the use from it that you can manage. Most college town businesses recognize that students are a large percentage of their customers, and they market specifically to you. Don’t go anywhere without that student ID card, whether it’s movies, theme parks, or just the local restaurants. You could get more bang for your buck than you really expect to, all thanks to the little card that only cost you a few grand. About the Author Rachel C. is a writer for My Colleges and Careers is the premier website for those that want to get their education online.
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