Finding the Time to Make Extra Money Online As you all know, I have a full time job, work from home part time, and also a mother of two daughters. Finding the time to balance all these out is very time consuming!
During the week at my job when it's my down time, I work on my blogs and also complete surveys online for extra money. I've always wonder if I didn't have this down time at work, when would I be able to update my blogs? During the week I'm busy with my daughters like, getting them ready for school, helping them with their homework, cooking dinner, so I never have enough time to blog or complete surveys at home unless I stay up late and that wouldn't be good since I already feel like I'm not getting enough sleep now! I could find the time on the weekends but I like to use my weekends to rest and also spend quailty time with my family. Only time I've made a post on my Money blog on weekends is when there's a contest or giveaway that has a deadline. I look up to people who blogs or work from home full time and also balance out being with their kids at home. How do you find the time to work from home or work on your blog? When do you have time for yourself to relax? Both of my blogs is a way for me to earn extra money to supplement my current income and I'd like to make full time income with my blogs some day, any tips? Would I need to focus on my blogs full time?
5/9/2012 08:47:17 am
I do home day care and find the time to do on-line surveys during nap if all nap at same time! also 9 times out of 10 I don't necessarily watch tv programs either fiance has the remote or my 3 year old so usually during that time I do surveys!
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About Me
I'm Louida from Atlanta, Georgia and I'm a mother of two daughters, and a full-time blogger/influencer.
I love helping others learn how to start working from home online free to help supplement their current income. I also blog at Subscribe to newsletter
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