Twitter is useful for a number of things, from keeping up with friends to finding out the latest celebrity gossip. You may not think it, but the social network can also help you financially. It may sound silly, but here are a number of ways that Twitter help you to save money. A surprising amount of information can be given in 140 characters. Once you get used to it, you'll wonder how you survived without it. To this end, here are nine ways Twitter can help your savings account over the summer. 1) Free Stuff and Coupons Twitter is home to various promotions, often using a hash tag to spread the word. A simple search for “#coupons” or “#discounts” will unveil a number of such offers. By regularly checking for new offers and deals, you'll be surprised at the savings you can make through these promotions. 2) Fuel Savings If you drive a lot, it can often be practical to know how efficient your vehicle is. With Twitter accounts from FuelFrog and other similar services, you can quickly tweet certain information, such as mileage or the cost of fuel, and it will give you back reliable figures. By regularly doing this, you can quickly and effectively monitor your car’s fuel efficiency. 3) Tips and Advice Given that nearly every expert and company has twitter, you should make use of the access granted to you. Whether it is your local bank or a finance expert, quickly tweeting a question at them might yield an answer. 4) Amazon Discounts There are a number of Twitter accounts that offer discounts on Amazon, such as AmazonDeals and AmazonSteals. If you're quick and clever, you can save a lot of money by using their advice and offers. Similar accounts can also be found for other services too. 5) Price Comparison A very rare occurrence, there are certain Twitter accounts that offer price comparison services; simply tweeting what you want will return a message telling you where it is cheapest. Examples of these include @TinyMassive and @BuyWhere. 6) Monitor Your Spending Similar to price comparison accounts, there are accounts that can help you track your spending costs. By relaying information, Twitter accounts such as Xpenser and TweetWhatYouSpend can keep track of this information, showing your spending habits. By knowing how and what you’re spending, you’ll be able to see where to make cutbacks and reduce your outgoings. 7) Increase Online Saving Following accounts such as SmartyPig, as well as various banks and financial guides, can offer occasional rewards. Whether it’s a simple bonus or in-depth advice, having regular easy access to financial information can greatly increase your online savings. 8) Follow Your investments If you have any investment or financial interest in a company, follow them. By following the company, as well as any major executives or spokespersons, you will get fast reliable updates constantly. This gives you quick knowledge when you need it, allowing greater control of your investments. 9) Advice Finally, no matter what situation you're in, Twitter is a great place to get advice. Even financially, following various experts can yield tips and information, as well as giving you the opportunity to directly ask them questions. Likewise, if you're really stuck, there's nothing wrong with posting the question out loud yourself; someone who follows you might have had previous experience that could help you. Author Bio | Amie is a passionate finance blogger who enjoys writing for a number of money savings comparison sites like Fair Investment Company, helping people get better interest rates for high interest savings accounts, fixed rate bonds and alternative investment plans.
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