With so many money making ventures on the Internet, how can you truly find a money making venture that is right for you? Most of the time, what you're going to find is that the person running the show is going to be the one making all of the money. To make things easier for you, here are six red flags to look out for when looking to make a few bucks online. #1 Do a Simple Search
What many people don't realize is that a simple search on your computer can yield some amazing results. Let's say that you want to make money with the ABC company. Search for things along the lines of “ABC Company Scam” or “ABC Company Reviews.” See what other people are saying. Remember, no matter how great the company is, there will always be bad reviews, so research closely. #2 Look for Proof No matter what kind of company it is, it's always important to look for some sort of payment proof. Whether it's a check, a Paypal invoice or something else, you will want to see if other people are getting paid. If you can't find any sort of payment proof, you may want to second guess the company. #3 Company History If you're not familiar with domains, there is something known as the WHOIS. This WHOIS basically lets you look at the domain and see how old it is and who owns it. Generally, if you just search for “WHOIS lookup,” you should be able to find a free service. With this service, you will want to see when they registered their domain. If it was last week, you probably will want to bail. If it's a company that is over 5 to 10 years old, then they are probably more reputable. #4 Trust your Gut Simply by going to the website, you can usually get a good idea if they site is going to be good or not. By trusting your gut, it will usually point you in the right direction. If your gut is smelling something fishy, then it's just best to walk away! #5 Paying Money If you want to make money online, no company will ever ask you to pay money up front. Just think about this one for a second. If you want to go get a full-time job, would they ask for you to give them $100? Absolutely not! The same should be said about a company online. A good money making venture online will be 100% free. #6 Customer Service A good company will have customer service, making it easy for you to get ahold of them. So, look for toll-free numbers, a chat box or even email. With customer service, this will give you the opportunity to ask questions about their company if you ever have any. Hannah runs the website howmuchisit.org. This is a website that helps consumers find prices on everything!
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I'm Louida from Atlanta, Georgia and I'm a mother of two daughters, and a full-time blogger/influencer.
I love helping others learn how to start working from home online free to help supplement their current income. I also blog at Productreviewmom.com Subscribe to newsletter
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