How To Save Money On Your VacationVacations are important to overall well being, offering a great way to spend quality time with the important people in your life. Vacationing doesn't have to be costly. In fact, you may just find that, after applying these 5 tips for saving money while on vacation, you'll be able to afford to vacation more frequently and get more out of the experience. Smarter Lodging OptionsThe most memorable vacations are often about adventuring, doing new and wonderful things. The details of a motel room tend to fade. Where you choose to stay can bring you real savings, and not just on the per night lodging. You can spend that saved money on the sort of activities that vacation memories are made of. Choosing a lodging option that features a kitchen, and other home conveniences like a washer and dryer is a great way to reduce vacation expenses. There are numerous cost-efficient options, including efficiency apartments, lower cost extended stay hotels, and vacation home rentals. Eat Well, Deliciously WellMeals can consume a large portion of your budget, reducing what you have to spend on other things. Often meals away from home are less healthy and lack the quality home prepared foods. Eating saves a lot of money, and can result in much better meals over all. Naturally, nobody wants to do a lot of cooking and clean-up on vacation. You can eat well without all that, and still avoid spending too much in restaurants or on take-out. Breakfasts of bread, like bagels or croissants, fruit, and cheese are easy, delicious, and healthy. Making your own coffee, even when fresh grinding whole beans, is better quality for less. Foil packet cooking with fresh fish, poultry, and vegetables offer simple, fabulous meals with minimal cleanup. Use the grocery stores that the locals shop in, not those priced for tourists. If you eat out for your main meal, consider eating it during the afternoon, like it used to be commonly done. Take advantage lunch specials that are typically far less expensive than the dinner menu. Location MattersOn every level, the choices you make about location can affect overall cost. Choosing your destination by favored activities, rather than what the popular vacation hot spots are, can save you a lot of money. If you're planning to ski, look for the best skiing, and avoid places that push cost up with amenities that really don't matter to you. Lodging even just 30 minutes away from metropolitan areas can make a substantial difference in cost. Having that quiet space away from the bustle of the city after a long day sightseeing can be nice for unwinding, especially if traveling with children. This is especially true when visiting internationally popular sites, like Disney. The closer you are, the more expensive everything is, including the more mundane daily items like fuel, beverages, and snacks. Timing Is EverythingMany attractions, like museums, aquariums, zoos and the like offer less expensive rates when you visit during the week or in the evening. When choosing activities, make sure to look for discounted time slots to take advantage of savings. Some vacation destinations are famous for specific reasons, like Miami Beach and spring break. All the focus on Miami Beach tends to be beach related. Many people don't even realize that there is a whole other side to that region. They have an internationally known ballet company, as well as theater productions and an excellent symphony. There are numerous art galleries and museums. For a person more interested in the arts than the beach scene, Miami Beach during the beach vacation off season for would be a perfect - and far more affordable - destination. That is the case with many popular destinations. They have so much more to offer than what they're known for. Use That Smart PhoneHyper-local reviews can be your tool to finding the best local prices for everything. Use your smart phone to find out where the best street festivals, cultural celebrations, and other low cost events and attractions are. Authentic experience is an added benefit. You really get the feel of a region when you go where the locals go. This article was written by PR Director Michael Bratton of BCRC.
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