It can be frustrating to sign up with a survey site expecting to get paid in cash for completing surveys only to find that the site will only pay you in either a gift card to a particular retailer or coupons of some kind. When you're looking for cash, you want cash. You'll be pleased to learn that there are quite a number of survey sites that pay in cash, usually in the form of a check that is mailed to your home. There are also many who pay via PayPal, a happy circumstance, because you can get your money pretty quickly this way, without the hassles of having to visit your bank to cash the check. One thing to be aware of when participating in surveys for money is that only a few survey sites offer cash for surveys directly. Most often, you'll find that your compensation is tied to acquiring a certain amount of points in your account. Every site will have a different threshold of points that you must achieve in order to cash out. Another thing to be aware of is that many survey sites will offer compensation sometimes in the form of online sweepstakes entries. The prizes in these sweepstakes are often cash. Not taking the surveys that pay in sweepstakes entries can adversely affect your selection for future surveys. PayPalSurvey sites that use PayPal are preferred because you can get paid more quickly that way, but some sites make you wait a few days after you cash out before funding your account. The following sites all have a PayPal option: The Brand InstituteThe Brand Institute does not use points and has no cash-out threshold. You'll be paid right away upon completing your survey. This company also features international support, allowing member participation from Germany, Spain, France, Japan, and Italy as well as from the U.S. and Great Britain. Opinion OutpostYou must have 50 points in your account to request payment. 50 points is equivalent to $5. Although it may take a month to start receiving surveys from Opinion Outpost, this company is pretty reliable in setting out multiple surveys after that. SurveySpotNo points are needed for SurveySpot and you can request payment at any time. SurveySpot is one of those companies where the first surveys a new member receives are compensated with sweepstakes entries instead of cash. You'll need to complete these in order to receive the most paid surveys going forward. MySurvey.comAnother survey site that uses points, to receive payment from MySurvey, you'll need 1,000 points or more. 1,150 points is equivalent to $10. MySurvey allows participation from just about anywhere in the world, not just North America and Great Britain. Pinecone ResearchPinecone Research doesn't use points and you can request payment at any time. Pinecone Research doesn't recruit new members very often and rarely advertises. When it does, the number of applications it accepts is small. As you can see, there are a number of survey sites that offer cash compensation for taking surveys. It's worth mentioning, however, that even those sites that offer non-cash rewards are worth participating in as well because they can easily be converted into cash with a little more work. For instance, gift cards or prepaid cards can be used to purchase items that can be sold on eBay for a small profit. However, it may be worth the effort as you can see from their BBB listing that they're legit. Check OnlyWhile getting paid by check means waiting longer to receive your money, there are a lot of reputable sites with excellent payment histories that will only pay by check. Among those sites are the following: Mindfield onlineYou must also accumulate $10 in your account before you can request payment. Located in Charleston, West Virginia, Mindfield Online features live product testing surveys as well as online surveys. If you live in the Charleston area, you may be able to boost your earnings with them by participating in this type of survey. Global Test MarketYou need to have 1,000 points in your account which is equal to $50 before you can request payment. Global Test Market has been around for many years and is one of the safer survey companies to use. You'll be notified of surveys for which you qualify by email. American Consumer Opinion PanelYou need 1,000 points, the equivalent of $10, in your account in order to receive payment. According to the name "American Consumer Opinion Panel" is a bit of a misnomer for this market research company as you can qualify to participate in their surveys from almost anywhere in the world. SurveySavvyThere is no payment threshold and no points are needed. Checks are issued as soon as you complete your survey. SurveySavvy doesn't send out a whole lot of surveys. You may receive a few of them over the course of one week and not see any others for a while after that. Since you'll receive up to $10 for a single survey, the payment rate makes this company worth joining. Featured images:
This post was penned by Jonah Masterson, a full-time blogger and stay at home Dad.
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I'm Louida from Atlanta, Georgia and I'm a mother of two daughters, and a full-time blogger/influencer.
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